Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Traveling Matte Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Traveling Matte Techniques - Essay Example Traveling mattes modify figure from frame to frame in order to correspond to the movement of the picture or a subject within the picture. Matte effects are typically designed digitally. For using special effects in filmmaking and photography, matters are applied to make an image by combining two and more images. In the film industry, matters are typically applied for mixing a foreground image. For example characters of the film on a set with a background image are seen as a single image. If an actor is seen jumping from a plane, matte is the background painting, showings clouds, mountains, etc. In filmmaking the use of SPFX or SFX is common. These techniques are used for giving special effects to images. The principle of a matte needs covering some areas of the film mixing to control by selection the areas which needed to be exposed. In the process, a lot of separate images are used to make a complex special-effect scene. (Benedetti 1-7) In a simple definition, traveling matte techniques refer to the mixing of moving images in filmmaking. The background pictures are characteristically hand-painted or digitally designed images characterizing make-believe sites. Different images are classically mixed based on a lot of traveling matte images. The traditional filmmaking procedures begin by filming an actor or a model as a foreground subject in front of a squarely lit pure blue or green screen, which will be removed afterward in post-production. Filmmakers use blue or green since they are slightest likely to be color components of the foreground subjects and consequently will not leave holes in them when that color is detached. (Harrison 3-5) Most popular traveling matte techniques comprise the use of blue screens or green screens. These techniques are used to describe and outline areas in matte images that define foreground or background images.

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